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Showing posts from February, 2023

Pre-production: Script

    The SinReaper     Characters:   Olivia( Kayon)   Anna( Ray )   Monique( played by nelly)   Shaniya( played by Ri)   FADE IN   Narration V.O : For years, the students of Paramount High have heard of a strange being that executes those who do wrong. Through the years, however, as time has gone on this myth has faded, causing evil to rink the halls of Paramount . There have been rumors that this being still lurks in the halls, but some will only believe it if they see it for themselves.     EXT. THE UPSTAIRS OF PARAMOUNT HIGHS 500 BUILDING – EVENING /OUTSIDE   School just ended and the girls are going to their after-school club where they see MONIQUE whom they have a problem with.   Girls come upstairs-   Olivia : Hey! Weren't you the one who told the whole school that anna was cheating on her b f?   Anna (with an attitude) : That was you, wasn’t it?!   Anna has an angry tone while she s...



Pre-production: general information


Pre-production: production logo


Digital Camerawork: Camera composition- Research

CAMERA COMPOSTION-  Camera composition is how objects or subjects are arranged in the frame. The position of the visual elements in a frame such as the objects or subjects in relation. Composition can also make an image more pleasing to the eye and keep the viewers focus on framed object(s). Rule of thirds and Leding lines are both examples of camera composition. Rule of thirds is a guideline that breaks an image into nine Pieces. Leading lines are visual elements that the photographer positioned that draw attention to the viewer's eye. the concept of this assignment was to apply the camera work techniques and create the camera shots for the main concepts of camerawork,  shot size , camera angles, camera  framing, and camera composition .  Students  worked in groups of 2-4 to complete this assignment. each group had a week to take pictures either related to their movie  genre  they choose or to take pictures of  miscellaneous things to complete th...

Digital Camerawork: Framing techniques in film - research

  CAMERA FRAMING- Camera shot framing pertains to how you position objects and subjects in shots. The position of the visual elements in a frame such as the objects or subjects in relation to other objects in a scene. Framing can also make an image more pleasing to the eye and keep the viewers focus on framed object(s). The two main types of framing are loose framing and tight framing. Loose framing has elements appear from a open space and the scene is so spread-out giving subjects' freedom to move around. While tight framing is when there is hardly any space around the subjects or close to your subject. the concept of this assignment was to apply the camera work techniques and create the camera shots for the main concepts of camerawork, shot size, camera angles, camera  framing , and camera composition .  Students  worked in groups of 2-4 to complete this assignment. each group had a week to take pictures either related to their movie  genre  they c...