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preliminary exercise: camera movement video

The purpose of this assignment was to allow students allow to apply the key concepts they learned of both camera movement and camerawork into a production video. This assignment was completed in a group of 2 people. Student #1 had the responsibility of directing each video, they sketched the film out on paper before film day. Student #2 had the responsibility of filming the video, they recorded each video on a iPhone 13 pro. 

   After completing the assignment, I and my teammate concluded that dolly zoom-in was difficult. Due to us having to be still and get a nice still angle while going forward with the camera. The easiest one to film was tilt due it didn't required much action. My group worked well together, there was hardly any difficulty between us besides small miscommunication that was fix. To complete this assignment we only used a iPhone 13 pro to film the production videos. 

dolly in- Camera is mounted on a dolly, the camera moves toward subject.
the purpose of this shot was to mimicked a person walking up the classroom rules to read them 
dolly out -camera moves away from the object
the purpose of this shot was to mimicked someone backing away from the wall in the classroom 

pan -The camera is horizontally, and it sweeps across the scene.
the purpose of this shot was to get a view of a art classroom
static- A camera angle where the camera is not moving.
the purpose of the shot was to mimicked someone daydreaming 
Tilt- When you move the camera up vertically, while it is base is fixated to a certain point.
the purpose of the shot was to show the person working on their on the computer 
Tracking- tracking shot is any shot in which the camera physically moves sideways, forward, or backward through the scene. 
the purpose of this shot was to show the girl walking out the classroom


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