CAMERA FRAMING- Camera shot framing pertains to how you position objects and subjects in shots. The position of the visual elements in a frame such as the objects or subjects in relation to other objects in a scene. Framing can also make an image more pleasing to the eye and keep the viewers focus on framed object(s). The two main types of framing are loose framing and tight framing. Loose framing has elements appear from a open space and the scene is so spread-out giving subjects' freedom to move around. While tight framing is when there is hardly any space around the subjects or close to your subject. the concept of this assignment was to apply the camera work techniques and create the camera shots for the main concepts of camerawork, shot size, camera angles, camera framing , and camera composition . Students worked in groups of 2-4 to complete this assignment. each group had a week to take pictures either related to their movie genre they c...
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